Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

Ace inspects our porch decorations as we await Halloween revelers in our first Fright Night at the Mile High Mansion. Despite all the costume try-outs leading up to the big day, the Critter would have none of it, and we had to make due with a "Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet" shirt, with glowing ghost.

And, he did enjoy opening the door when the superheroes, princesses, and walking dead came 'a knocking.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Chase's buddy Caleb came along on our trip to the Denver Museum of Science & Nature today as Assistant Babysitter. The boys learned about dinosaurs, exploring outer space, staying healthy, and Colorado animals.

Thanks for the help, Caleb!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Barrel Train

Ace shows his independence by riding (and loving -- he went on it twice) the Vern's Mini-train at the Denver Children's Museum Halloween spectacular.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Just another George Lucas fan, Part II

A day after going for the obscure, Chase tries out a more mainstream Halloween costume.

Naturally, Chewbacca was a hit at music class. Believe it or not, he even ran into Princess Leia!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Little Einstein

Mommy took Chase to Einstein's Bagels for a cream cheese treat today after a visit to the DMV.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Natural Consequences

Chase continues to explore his world kinesthetically -- stopping the propeller with his mouth was his latest idea. It was all laughs and giggles until he learned that it can hurt. Don't worry, he's fine.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Maze Daze

Chase enjoys a romp through the hay bale maze at Rock Creek Farm in Broomfield, CO. After searching for the perfect pumpkin, we checked out some farm animals and played in the maze. It was a perfect day for this creepy critter.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fitness Voyeur

Off to his right, a group of pregnant ladies participate in a fitness class, doing exercises remarkably similar to Ace's pose.

Do not be fooled, however, into thinking he is on a health kick. Actually, he's on the ground because he's thrown himself there in an angry fit. So much for the delightful Saturday morning trip to the park with Daddy.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Ride 'em, Turtleboy!

As fun as it is to hitch a trip aboard a galloping turtle, this one seems particularly sluggish.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gimping around the zoo

With a healing hip and a can-do spirit, The Critter heads off to the zoo, accompanied, as always, by Mommy. It helps that the zoo is full of creatures that walk just as funny as he does.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Getting a leg up

Does this look like a kid with Toxic Synovitis? The doctors think so.

After yesterday's adventures in the ER, we were told to go to a different hospital today to have Ace's leg put in a cast. They splinted it last night and felt the cast -although there was no fracture visible in his x-rays - was the best next step. Today's doctor definitively ruled out a break and tentatively diagnosed the nasty-sounding hip infection noted above. It's actually not that unusual and should clear up in a week or two.

So, no cast and the kid is learning to limp around on 1 1/2 legs, prompting Mommy to comment that he reminds her of a mini-zombie. Hey, no sympathy for the sick around here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What a day!

As Joanna's grandfather Basil used to say, "What a day!" We have just arrived home after another trip to the ER. This time, Chase couldn't walk on his left leg after he woke up from his nap. Earlier in the day, Chase hit his head after falling on the sidewalk. The two injuries are not related. After almost five hours in the ER, several x-rays of Chase's hip and legs, it was determined that they don't know what's wrong. He may have a fracture that they couldn't see, so he has a splint on his leg which he will trade in for a cast tomorrow. An almost two year old in a cast for two weeks sounds fun doesn't it?

Oh, and did I forget to mention that during the blood draw Reed passed out and spent the rest of the the time in his own room, vomiting and nearly passing out again. We are home. Chase is in bed asleep, Reed is fed and I'm hoping to drag him away from his freakin' computer so he can sleep!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Toe Peepers

While playing with blocks, Chase's big toe protrudes through his pajamas. For a kid who has lots of toys, he sure is in need of some pj's without holes. Truthfully, mommy got these for free from a friend.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mommy, are we there yet?

The hardest part about vacations is ending them, especially when that involves flying across the country with a tired little boy who doesn't really understand why he needs to be constantly strapped down. He found brief solace in a toy helicopter on the floor of an airport gift shop in Portland, and Mommy & Daddy found great solace in making the connecting flight in Detroit two minutes before the airplane doors were shut. Ten hours after departing the Spruce Point Inn, we arrived at the Mile High Mansion, ready for the comforts of home.

All in all, the travel pains were worth it as we had a wonderful weekend with Nanna & Papa, Grandpa & Grandma, Nanna K, Auntie Katie & Uncle Jean, cousins James & Estelle, Auntie Amanda, and the newest member of the family, Uncle John!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wedding Bells

It may have been Auntie Amanda's wedding, but Ace was the star.

Darn cute kid, everyone agreed. The orange bowtie only sealed the deal.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Little Bubbly

In preparation for Auntie Amanda's wedding, Chase tried out some bubbly -- in this case, a sip of Nanna's seltzer water. Ace wasn't completely sold at first.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nanna K

Chase checks out his great grandmother's new bedroom, spending a little quality time with the'elder' Nanna on a rainy Thursday in Maine.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The friendly skies

Despite being strapped down for the better part of seven hours in planes and automobiles today, Ace was a trooper as we trekked across country, heading for Auntie Amanda's wedding.

Somewhere over Pennsylvania, his "Things That Go!" book helped to pass the time.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Piggy Counting

After a hard day bringing home the bacon, Daddy helps Chase count it up in the bank. The Critter is getting quite good at counting, making it as high as two or three before it all becomes a bit muddled.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Jack in the (sand)box

Ace continues his exploration of heavy construction equipment as he tries out a fully functioning jackhammer he found in the "Sand Park" near our house.

Cool toys get left here all the time for everyone to enjoy, and it's a very special treat when we can get to one before rain and overuse do in battery fuction. This lil' beauty was fully powered, and although the kid gave it a try on the rock, he found using it on the sand far more productive.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Mommy took a pit stop around mile 6 of the Rock 'n Roll Denver Half Marathon to give her greatest fan a hug and kiss. Ace and Daddy had cheering duty at miles 6, 7, 8, & 9 as our favorite lady accomplished the impressive athletic feat of running 13.1 miles in the thin Rocky Mountain air. We are so proud of her!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rainy Day Monkeys

A sudden turn to cold, rainy weather necessitated a family trip to Monkey Bizness where, in addition to a whole bunch of sliding, climbing, and tumbling, Chase took part in a little art stamping.

(By the way, the word you can't see on his shirt is "Daddy," although "Mommy" would be just as appropriate.")

Friday, October 7, 2011

First Haircut

Chase commondeered the Yellow Jacket airplane at Little B's Salon today. While in flight he let the lovely flight attendant, Shelby, cut his hair. Ready for Auntie's wedding next weekend, his freak flag flies no more. Mommy is happy her flying Ace still has his wings!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall Foliage

The leaves are changing here in Colorado, as are the sports seasons. Chase is geared up to root for the Patriots thanks to Lori Plummer's wonderful gift -- a new hoodie!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This is an example of attacking one's evening stroll with purpose and determination.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


He may not have lived (yet) in New York City, but Ace can still stuff down a bagel in a single bite.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hop to It!

This little guy just would not jump on command. Fortunately, the Cajun Critter exercised both great patience and great restraint with him, and everyone ended the encounter intact and still hopping.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hero Worship

Tom Brady shorn his Samson-like locks this week with no ill effects (the Pats took out the Raiders 31-19).

Is it time for MCDP to follow suit?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

In de Tractor!

Ace was in seventh heaven today as we participated in a "Transportation Exploration" event at the University of Denver. The Critter commandeered several tractors, a fire truck, a police car, an ambulance, two moving vans, and even a grocery store delivery truck.

At twenty months, the kid already knows his way around an internal combustion engine far better than his Dad.